Apply for a Lower Saxony education voucher in 2024

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Are you thinking of doing further training, retraining or an apprenticeship? In Lower Saxony, you can have your qualification paid for by the state. Find out exactly how this works and what you need to get your Education voucher in Lower Saxony can be found in this article. 

Apply for an education voucher in Lower Saxony and improve your career prospects! 

The advantages of a good education are obvious. Better qualifications increase your chances on the job market, give you access to better-paid jobs and thus improve your quality of life. Many people dream of having a job that is in demand, pays well and is also fun, and with the Niedersachsen education voucher, this dream can become a reality for you.  

Specialists are desperately sought throughout Lower Saxony and it can be worthwhile for you to have skills that are in demand. Virtually all industries are looking for specialists in the IT sector, especially data specialists. With the Lower Saxony education voucher, you can train without having to worry about the costs of training. You can find out exactly what the Lower Saxony education voucher is in the next section. 

Our tip: In the article "Don't be afraid of IT jobs" you will find plenty of inspiration for your future career in IT. 

Banner for StackFuel's free continuing education counseling with and without an education voucher and for financing options for online courses.

What exactly is the Lower Saxony education voucher and how can I use it to continue my education free of charge? 

The education voucher is a state funding program that can cover 100 percent of the costs for your desired qualification. This program was created to help companies in the country meet the demand for skilled workers. Another aim is to prevent unemployment, which can arise due to technical developments. The Niedersachsen education voucher can be applied for at an employment agency, a job center or, in certain cases, at the pension insurance fund.  

The voucher can be used to cover all costs associated with further training. You can find out exactly what these costs are and what circumstances influence them in the last sub-chapter of our article. You can find out why Lower Saxony is particularly attractive for starting your career with the education voucher in the next part of our article. 

Tip: Are you not unemployed but in employment? Then perhaps the Qualification Opportunity Act the right funding for your further training.

Why is it worth applying for an education voucher in Lower Saxony? 

The economy in Lower Saxony is growing and many large companies from various sectors have branches in the state, including major players such as Volkswagen, Continental and TUI. The demand for skilled workers is therefore very high. In order to increase their attractiveness for current and future employees, companies are optimizing working conditions and offering many exclusive benefits. 

The need for skilled workers becomes apparent in the educational target plans. The employment agencies in the districts therefore draw up new training target plans every year. The agencies work together with the job centers and local companies to do this. These plans set out which qualifications are particularly in demand and therefore eligible for funding. In Stade and Cuxhaven, for example, the focus in the area of information technology/media is on qualifications for SAP, CAD, databases, networks and application development. But what requirements do you need in order to receive an education voucher in Lower Saxony? 

Our tip: Have the courage! Many IT professions are particularly suitable for career changers. You can find out more in our article "The top 5 professions for IT career changers". 

Education voucher Lower Saxony Requirements: When am I eligible? 

First and foremost, there is one important requirement for the education voucher in Lower Saxony: The provider and the training itself must be approved in accordance with the "Recognition and Approval Ordinance for Employment Promotion (AZAV)". This applies, for example, to all further training courses offered by StackFuel. Before applying, you must also attend a consultation at a job center, employment agency or, if applicable, a branch of the pension insurance fund. You must also be in one of the following situations: 

If you are unemployed or looking for work, you must meet at least one of the following requirements: 

  • You do not yet have a vocational qualification, 
  • You have not worked in your profession for more than four years or 
  • You can no longer work in the profession you trained for, e.g. due to health restrictions or professional alienation. 

It is also possible to obtain an education voucher in Lower Saxony if the acquisition of further professional skills could improve your job prospects or if the further training is appropriate, i.e. in demand, with regard to the labor market. If one of these conditions applies to you, you can apply for an education voucher in Lower Saxony at a job center or employment agency. 

If you are employed, other conditions apply: 

  1. You work in a profession that can be replaced by technology, 
  2. You work in a profession that is affected by structural change or 
  3. You are aiming for a qualification in an occupational field in which there is a shortage of skilled workers (bottleneck occupation). 

If you find yourself in one of the situations described, you can apply for the Lower Saxony education voucher at the employment agency responsible for your district or city. 

If you need to be reintegrated due to illness in order to get back on the job market, you can apply for an education voucher from the pension insurance fund in Lower Saxony.  

You apply for your education voucher orally during the consultation, which of course requires your presence. Bring your CV and certificates with you to the interview, as these documents will be required. You should prepare for the interview in advance, because good arguments will get you further. You should use the educational objective plan as a basis for your argumentation. This document not only lists the subject areas, but also the type of qualifications that are preferred when awarding vouchers. The general description of the focus of the annual objectives set also defines the scope for the argumentation.   

Banner for StackFuel's free continuing education counseling with and without an education voucher and for financing options for online courses.

Steps to the education voucher in Lower Saxony 

If you receive citizen's benefit, you can apply for the Lower Saxony education voucher at the job center responsible for your place of residence. If you are receiving unemployment benefit or are threatened by unemployment, you will receive your consultation at the employment agency. First, make an appointment with the advisor responsible for you. You can make your appointment request directly on site or online.  

In a personal interview, you and the advisor will clarify whether you need an additional qualification in order to find a job as quickly as possible. The integration specialist will then check whether you meet the requirements for the Lower Saxony education voucher. Under certain circumstances, additional medical or occupational psychological expertise may be required to determine your suitability. 

In many cases, the education voucher is issued directly during the consultation. However, in certain cases, it may take a few weeks to issue if additional clarification is required. This need for clarification may arise, for example, if the educational institution can only be reached by car and you do not have your own vehicle. Sometimes additional documents are required. This may be the case if you are no longer able to carry out your learned profession due to illness or injury, or if only certain professions are possible for you, in which case it may be necessary to submit a corresponding medical certificate. 

Your application for an education voucher has been approved, but what do you do now? From choosing the right education provider to a career change and your new job - it doesn't have to be difficult. We have summarized your educational path in 6 simple steps for you.

Get your checklist for applying for an education voucher. The checklist is only one Click removed.

Before you arrange your consultation, you should have already selected a training provider. When looking for a suitable training provider, start by searching for the qualifications you would like to acquire. Look for providers in your area, or for courses that take place online or hybrid, as these are preferred when issuing education vouchers. Once you have found offers that appeal to you, contact the training provider directly and find out whether AZAV certification is available.  

If you are not yet aware of the direction you want to take professionally, use your personal goals and interests to guide your search. As a little help, you can write down all your projects, internships, training courses and hobbies. Then sort your list according to the criteria: 

  1. What do you like to do? 
  2. What is needed? 
  3. What is paid satisfactorily? 

This simple method can give you the impetus you need to find the right qualification for you. We explain what you should do next in the following subchapter. 

A checklist for applying for an education voucher. StackFuel's checklist provides useful tips for the education voucher from the employment agency, pension insurance or job center.

Our tip: Use our free checklistto get your education voucher in 7 simple steps.  

Use and redeem a Lower Saxony education voucher with a further education provider 

Once you have received your education voucher, you can redeem it within three months. It is important that your further education starts within this period. You choose the right training provider and course yourself, preferably before the interview. Only educational institutions that are certified in accordance with the "Recognition and Approval Ordinance for Employment Promotion (AZAV)" are eligible.

StackFuel for example, has the necessary certification. If the desired course is no longer offered after your education voucher has been issued or is not offered within the three-month period, you can also take an alternative course. In this case, the qualification or further training must match your education voucher from Lower Saxony. 

Our tip: Arrange your non-binding, personal consultation with StackFuel and Let us advise you about our further training opportunities. During the friendly consultation, we will give you valuable tips and work with you to prepare arguments that you can use to justify your need for further training. This will increase your chances of receiving the Lower Saxony education voucher.   

Before your qualification begins, the education provider will confirm your admission to the course on the education voucher and inform the authority that issued the Lower Saxony education voucher.  

Next, the job center, pension insurance or employment agency will check whether the course matches the education voucher and whether you meet the entry requirements. Once this has been confirmed, you can start your further training. 

Our tip: You should apply for suitable jobs while you are still in training, as this enables a seamless transition.  

Have an education voucher approved in Lower Saxony 

The Lower Saxony education voucher is approved by your advisor. This person acts in accordance with the specifications from the local education target plan. The practical application may differ in detail depending on the district and authority, but is based on the same legal basis (SGB II and SGB III). In order for your voucher to be approved, both the training and the training provider must meet the requirements of the voucher and be certified in accordance with AZAV, as mentioned in detail above.   

Our tip: If you employed it is best to discuss your training needs with your employer. Your supervisor can clarify the next steps with the employment agency.

What costs are covered by the education voucher from Lower Saxony for my further education? 

The costs that can be covered with an education voucher from Lower Saxony include 

  • Costs for the training fees  
  • Costs for the examination fees 
  • Costs for work clothes and learning materials 
  • Travel costs 
  • Costs for accommodation and meals 
  • Childcare costs 

Which costs are covered in your case is a case-by-case decision. You should therefore lay your cards on the table during your consultation. Depending on your needs, the job center or employment agency can cover up to 100 % of all costs incurred. As a rule, directly necessary expenses are covered. Invoices for training and examination fees are sent directly to the job center or employment agency by the training provider. For other expenses, either lump sums are transferred directly to your account or you have to pay in advance and will be reimbursed, provided these have been discussed and approved in advance.  

Only those costs that are unavoidable are regarded as directly necessary. For example, the lump sum for accommodation and meals does not apply if the commute to the training center is reasonable. If you can reach the training center by public transport, the tickets will be covered, but not the car journeys if you decide to drive despite using public transport.  

The extent to which the costs for the qualification are covered is not completely predetermined. Your education voucher will therefore be individually adapted to your needs and clarified in a consultation. The type of qualification, your personal needs and the regional regulations on education vouchers in the districts and authorities in Lower Saxony have an influence on this. 

Tip: Online courses are often preferred when awarding education vouchers, as this eliminates many expenses such as travel costs or accommodation costs. 

So take a look at our StackFuel courses! 

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