Further training for clerks 2024: More salary and exciting career opportunities with data analytics

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Clerks are often responsible for processing transactions, statistics and evaluations. These tasks are constantly changing due to digitalization and are becoming increasingly complex. The job of a clerk combines many specialized skills and therefore also leaves room for constant learning and development. There are numerous opportunities and prospects in the field of data analysis and processing that need to be exploited. In this article, you will find out how further training can make your day-to-day work easier and what salary and career opportunities there are for you, especially in the field of data analytics.

By the way: Thanks to education voucher you can even get further training free of charge under certain conditions.

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Data analysis training for clerks: using and building on existing strengths

Data skills are becoming increasingly important in today's working environment. More and more companies want employees who are able to analyze data. The following factors show that data analysis can be an ideal advanced training course for clerks.

Use communication strength

Clerks are often well connected and know what information is needed from other departments. Data analysis also requires clear and effective communication with other teams to understand and clarify data sources and requirements.

Automation of routine tasks

Both for clerks who want to advance in their current profession and for clerks who want to qualify for a new profession, the ability to automate routine tasks can be a useful skill. A certain affinity for technology is an advantage in order to quickly learn the necessary software and technology and to be able to automate routine tasks.

Experience in handling data and information

Clerks are already experienced in handling data and information. Further training in data analysis can therefore make them highly sought-after by companies.

Facilitated data maintenance

Data maintenance can often be a tedious and time-consuming process. Through data analytics, clerks can learn how to efficiently and systematically collect, organize, and cleanse data for faster and more accurate results.

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Further training for data analytics clerks: game changers for current and future job roles

Further training in the field of data & analytics offers numerous advantageous opportunities for clerks. By learning how to handle data and apply various analysis techniques, they can become important decision-makers are. Data & Analytics helps companies to reduce costs, optimize processes and facilitate decision-making.

In addition, as an administrator, you can expand your career opportunities and qualify for a higher position through further training in the field of data & analytics. The ability to analyze data and make well-founded decisions is in high demand in most companies.

Another advantage of data analytics skills is the ability to automate or speed up tasks with Python scripts or data analysis tools. So you need to spend less time doing routine tasks and can devote yourself to more important and exciting tasks instead.

In addition, data analytics training offers administrators the opportunity to acquire the skills that are becoming increasingly important in today's working world. With an increasing need for data-driven decisions and the rapid pace of technological development, it is crucial that clerks are able to understand and analyze data.

Further training for clerks: Take a look at our free microcourse on data analysis!

Become a data analyst for free - without a degree!

Even without a degree in Data & Analytics, there are ways to learn the most important skills in this field. With the online training "Introduction to BI and data analytics" you can learn all the necessary basics in this area. The course is eligible for 100 % funding with an education voucher and teaches you how to handle data and various analysis techniques through practical tasks.

Image excerpt from Data & Analytics Continuing Education for Clerks: Lesson on If-Then Conditions in Python.

In this course, you will not only learn the basics of data analytics, but also receive an introduction to the Python programming language. This will refresh your knowledge of mathematics and statistics and consolidate your use of data analysis and data visualization tools.

Image excerpt from Data & Analytics Continuing Education for Clerks: Quiz on Data Analytics with Python.

Did you know that with further training, administrators can not only improve their skills in the area of data & analytics, but can even build on them to achieve a Venture a career change as a data analyst can? Many companies are currently looking for specialists with in-depth knowledge of data and analytics to optimize processes and make data-driven decisions.

Clerks already have many of the soft skills that a data analyst needs (see also our article on Data Scientist Skills). For this reason, the Data Analyst course, which teaches the hard and soft skills required by a data analyst, is an ideal introduction for administrators to make the most of their career opportunities. You can also find out more about our Online training in the field of data analytics, which you can attend after the introductory course.

Salary and promotion opportunities

Learning data & analytics skills can be a great way for clerks to advance their careers. Solid data analytics skills can be used to optimize business processes and make informed decisions.

Further training "Introduction to BI and data analytics" enables you to delve deeper into the field of data analytics. If you decide to do the full advanced training to become a Data Analyst or BI Analyst you can look forward to significantly higher salary prospects:

The average salary of a data analyst in Germany is between 43,000 and 67,000 euros per yeardepending on qualifications and professional experience. The career field of data analyst is not only well paid, but also crisis-proof and in high demand by companies.

Further training in data analytics can also significantly advance the professional field. This is because this further training opens up good opportunities for career development and promotion within and outside the usual professional environment.

Clerical staff with proven skills in data & analytics can qualify for higher-paid positions with better promotion opportunities. It also enables them to complete tasks more effectively and present their work results in a more meaningful way.


We have shown that data analytics training offers numerous opportunities for administrators to expand their skills in handling data and applying various analysis techniques.

Further training in data analytics can Employees to key decision-makers improve their career opportunities and automate routine tasks.

Are you still unsure which step is possible or sensible for you next? Book a free consultation Consultation with us and we will help you further.

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Glassdoor (2023) "Salary as Data Analyst in Germany" [08.04.2023]

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