Apply for an education voucher in Saarland 2024

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The Saarland education voucher is your key to professional success and personal development. Thanks to funding from the Federal Employment Agency, you have the unique opportunity to further your education and open up new career prospects - completely free of charge. In this article, you will find out everything you need to know about the Education voucher in Saarland - from how to apply to the requirements and the numerous benefits it offers you.

Saarland 2024 education voucher: Your ticket to the future!

The education voucher is a great way to take control of your professional future in Saarland and learn new skills. This funding from the employment agency, job center or pension insurance gives you access to various further training courses that can open up completely new opportunities for you in your career.

With the Saarland education voucher, you can prepare yourself for future challenges such as advancing digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence. The education voucher covers a large number of courses offered by recognized educational institutions. For example, you can train in IT, but also in commercial professions or skilled trades. In the next section, we explain how to apply for the education voucher and what requirements you need to meet.

It's that simple: Apply for a Saarland education voucher

Applying for an education voucher in Saarland is less complicated than you might think. First, you should contact your employment agency, pension insurance or job center to make an appointment for a consultation - depending on which authority is responsible for you. During this meeting, it will be checked whether you meet the requirements for the training voucher and which further training measures are suitable for you.

Following the consultation, you will receive all the necessary documents and information to apply for the education voucher. It is important that you prepare thoroughly for your consultation and gather as much information as possible in advance. We have put together a practical checklist for this purpose.

Your application for an education voucher has been approved, but what do you do now? From choosing the right education provider to a career change and your new job - it doesn't have to be difficult. We have summarized your educational path in 6 simple steps for you.

Your checklist is only one Click removed.

Education voucher in Saarland: advantages and requirements for funding

The Saarland education voucher offers you many advantages: In addition to financial support, you benefit from individual advice and support from the employment agency, pension insurance or job center. This ensures that the selected further training course meets your professional goals and needs as well as the current skills situation.

Another advantage is the large selection of further education courses that you can take advantage of with the education voucher. From technical courses to language courses and management seminars. IT specialists in particular are in high demand today, but many people shy away from a lateral entry into the IT sector. The five most promising professions we have compiled in an article for you.

You can receive the Saarland education voucher under these conditions

However, before you get the education voucher approved, your case worker will check whether the requirements for funding apply to you and your current situation. These are

  1. You are currently looking for work.
  2. You are employed but at risk of unemployment.
  3. Further training could secure your current employment.
  4. Further training could facilitate your professional reintegration, e.g. after an incapacity to work or parental leave.
  5. You have to catch up on a missing vocational qualification.

In addition, your permanent residence must be in Germany and your chances of receiving funding will increase if your current job situation is unlikely to improve without further training.

Tip: Are you not unemployed but in employment? Then perhaps the Qualification Opportunity Act the right funding for your further training.

Your chance: further training without the cost trap!

With the Saarland education voucher, you can continue your education without having to worry about financing. The costs for the selected further training are covered in full by the employment agency, pension insurance or job center, so that you can concentrate fully on your professional development - without cost traps and paying off long loans. We explain which specific types of costs are covered further down in the article.

7 steps to the Saarland 2024 education voucher

The path to the Saarland education voucher is precisely defined by the issuing authority. You should follow the following seven steps to have the best chance of having your education voucher approved:

  1. Make an appointment with the employment agency, pension insurance or job center.
  2. Prepare for the consultation and bring all the necessary documents with you.
  3. Find in the CourseNet or directly at StackFuel The further training you would like to complete.
  4. Find your potential future training provider and get advice from them.
  5. Submit all the necessary application documents and wait for the education voucher to be approved.
  6. Start your training and add the certificate to your documents after completion.
  7. Start your new job with the new knowledge you have gained!

Get your checklist for applying for an education voucher. The checklist is only one Click removed.

You can get advice on the Saarland education voucher here

The employment agency, pension insurance or the job center in Saarland are the most important places to go to find out about the various options and requirements.

In Saarbrücken, for example, you will find the employment agency and the job center at Hafenstr. 18 and the branch office of the job center at Burbacher Markt 20. You will find the German Pension Insurance at Martin-Luther-Straße 2-4. It is best to arrange your consultation appointment in advance. Some appointments can also be made by telephone or online.

In addition to advice from the relevant authority, there are also numerous educational institutions that can help you. They often offer special information events and advisory services to help you find the right course. You can arrange your personal consultation with StackFuel online at any time. book.

Why now? Education voucher for your career

There is no better time than now to apply for the Saarland education voucher. In today's ever-changing world of work, it is very important that you continue your education and remain adaptable.

Especially if you are interested in a lateral entry in the IT sector, you have a very good chance of success with the education voucher. For example, in the year Almost 150 thousand IT jobs unfilled in 2023 - The demand for qualified specialists is therefore huge and lateral entry is a common option for applicants.

Applying for a Saarland education voucher: tips and tricks

Perhaps you are still afraid of actually applying for the Saarland education voucher. That's why we have a few additional tips and tricks for you: First of all, you should make sure that you have all the necessary documents to hand and prepare well for your consultation appointment.

Also make a note of your professional goals and the further training measures that you think would be suitable. There may even be specific job advertisements that you could apply for once you have successfully completed your training. You can search for them on relevant job portals, for example, such as here on

Another valuable tip is to find out in advance about the various further training opportunities offered on the Agentur für Arbeit's course network. This will give you a good overview of what courses are available and how they can support your professional career. You can find out how to use the Kursnet in the next section.

How to use the Kursnet for your education voucher

The CourseNet is a great resource for finding the right course for your education voucher from Saarland. First of all, you can use the search function to filter courses by subject, location or training provider. This will help you to get an overview of the available offers that match your interests and professional goals.

Once you have found some interesting courses, you should check the details and requirements of each course carefully. Incidentally, you don't necessarily have to complete your further education in Saarland - online courses such as StackFuel are also eligible for funding. This gives you maximum flexibility and allows you to learn from anywhere.

Our training courses for the article "What is Big Data, simply explained".

Discover our subsidized further training with an education voucher.

Free further education: These costs will be reimbursed to you with the education voucher

With the Saarland education voucher, you can continue your education free of charge, as the employment agency, pension insurance or job center will cover the costs incurred. This includes the course fees required to take part in the training. This ensures that you don't have to worry about the financial burden and can concentrate fully on your further education.

In addition to the course fees, other costs incurred in connection with the further training can also be reimbursed. These include travel costs, costs for learning materials and childcare costs, if these are necessary. This comprehensive assumption of costs ensures that you can continue your development without financial hurdles.

You must observe these deadlines when redeeming

When redeeming the Saarland education voucher, there are certain deadlines that you must adhere to. First of all, the education voucher is valid for a certain period of time, which is noted on the voucher. You must start your further education course within this period, otherwise the voucher will expire. As a rule, this is three months.

It is also important that you register with your chosen training provider in good time to secure a place on your chosen course. Some courses are very popular and book up quickly, so don't waste any time.

Your next steps

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