KURSNET: Find further training through the employment agency 

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Over 5.6 million: On KURSNET from the Federal Employment Agency you will find a huge selection of further training courses! Around 90 percent of these are marked with the Education voucher eligible for funding. In our article, we show you how to find the perfect training course for you and how you can obtain funding from the Federal Employment Agency. 

What and for whom is the employment agency's KURSNET - simply explained? 

KURSNET is the largest online market for continuing education courses in Germany. As of today, around 5.65 million continuing education courses can be found nationally and internationally: On-site, online or hybrid. Around 500 providers are represented here - maximum choice for those who want to learn. Also StackFuel is listed with around 3,400 search results, all of which are eligible for funding with the education voucher. 

Everyone searches on KURSNET: people who are unemployed, advisors from employment agencies and job centers and people in general who are interested in further training. It is therefore essential for further education providers to be able to list their own courses here. Every day, tens of thousands of users look at the portal in search of the right continuing education offer.  

KURSNET is the online further education search for everyone: no matter how young or old, whether for training or further education or to acquire language skills. Here you will find all offers in one place. 

Are you eligible for funding for your further education?
Find out in 1 minute.
Choose the option that suits you best.
What is your current job situation?
I am...
Currently unemployed
Soon to be job-seeking
Inquiring for my company
Are you currently (or soon to be) registered as unemployed with the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit), Job Center, or Pension Insurance?
Would you like to continue your education full-time or part-time?
I don't know, please advise me
How big is your company?
Fewer than 2,500 employees
More than 2500 employees
Would you like to do a course in German or English?
No matter
Which training program are you interested in?
Data Analyst Training Program
Data Scientist Training Program
Python Programmer Training Program
Partial Qualification for IT Specialist
I don't know and would like to receive advice

When should I search for my further training via KURSNET? 

Due to the large selection, KURSNET online is the first port of call if you want to find out all about continuing education courses - regardless of whether you use KURSNET in Hamburg, Dresden or at Lake Constance to find your continuing education course. You can use the free text search to display all offers in your area of interest. For example, KURSNET currently lists around 90,000 courses on the subject of "Data Science". 

A search on KURSNET is worthwhile for you if at least one of the following points applies to you: 

  • You are unemployed or at risk of unemployment and would like to open up new opportunities with further training. 
  • You are in work and looking for a further training program that you can take up after the Qualification Opportunity Act would like to be supported. 
  • You are an employer and are looking for further training opportunities for your employees that you would like to promote under the Qualification Opportunities Act. 
  • You are self-employed and would like to get an overview of possible local or digital training courses on your desired topic. 
  • You want to learn German or a foreign language and are looking for a course in your area or a digital offer. 

KURSNET is particularly practical if you are interested in subsidized further education. With an education voucher, you can get 100% funding for your course if you are unemployed or at risk of unemployment. 

Of course, there are also alternatives to KURSNET: If you have already found your desired provider, you can also seek advice directly there as to whether the courses are eligible for funding with an education voucher. At StackFuel, all courses are of course eligible for funding, as we and our measures are AZAV-certified. You can find more alternatives to KURSNET at the end of the article. 

Attention! Many people do not know that "kursnet.de" does not lead to the KURSNET website, but to nowhere. The correct address is https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/kursnet. 

Banner for StackFuel's free continuing education counseling with and without an education voucher and for financing options for online courses.

Type and scope of further training courses on KURSNET 

At KURSNET you will find further education courses of all kinds. The various filter options provide you with an overview of the many millions of offers. The further education offers on KURSNET are therefore differentiated according to the following criteria: 

  • Federal state: Choose the one where you live.
  • Start: Regular, This month, Subsequent months, Later dates 
  • Lesson time: Full time, Part time 
  • DurationUp to 1 week, Up to 1 month, Up to 3 months, Up to 6 months, Up to 1 year, More than 1 year 
  • Presence or digitalClassroom teaching, Virtual classroom, Online seminar, Other digital forms of learning 
  • Combined forms of learning or distance learningBlended learning, combined learning, hybrid learning, distance learning 
  • Provider: initial letters A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z  

As you can see, the filters alone show the wide variety of courses on offer. You can find both shorter and longer training courses on KURSNET. You will find courses in all federal states, full-time or part-time and with different teaching concepts to suit your taste. At KURSNET, people of all ages and with all professional backgrounds will find suitable results. Offers for catching up on school and vocational school qualifications can also be found here, as well as rehabilitation measures to get you back into working life with training or further education. Retraining for career changers or language courses, whether for learning German or a foreign language, can also be found in large numbers on KURSNET. 

Of course, you can simply search for your area of interest and a location in the free text. For example, StackFuel offers 200 courses on the topic of "Data Science" in Berlin, 130 of which are part-time. And since StackFuel only offers hybrid learning, you would not be tied to a specific location or time for the entire duration of your training. Learning in a café or coworking space? No problem. Open your laptop again at the weekend in Brandenburg? Also possible! 

Note: The typo "kurnet" also leads to the target on Google - namely to KURSNET. 

KURSNET or education voucher: Which comes first? 

We clearly recommend that you first get an overview of what kind of further training you would like to do. KURSNET is an ideal guide for this. Here you can use the watch list to put together a selection of further training measures, which you can then use to be well prepared for your consultation about the education voucher at the job center or employment agency. 

Please note: It is not possible to book the offer directly via KURSNET. However, once you have received your education voucher, you will quickly find the contact details of your provider on KURSNET and can then clarify all formalities with him or her by phone or e-mail. 

Banner for free download of the checklist "How does the education voucher application work".

Step-by-step guide: Finding further education online with KURSNET 

KURSNET is a very extensive database with over 5.6 million further education courses on offer. Especially when searching for the first time, the wealth of options and filters can be somewhat unsettling. We will help you get to grips with this tool! 

We recommend that you search for your desired training program as follows: 

  1. First enter your rough topic idea in the search field, for example "Data Science". 
  2. Then enter your place of residence - don't worry, you will not only be shown face-to-face events. 
  3. To the left of the first search result, check the box "Only offers with education voucher?" so that you do not accidentally select a measure that is not eligible for funding. 
  4. You can ignore filter options such as the start date for the time being - you can only start once you have received your education voucher anyway. 
  5. If you prefer a particular form of learning, filter by this, e.g. "Hybrid Learning". 
  6. On the right above the first search result you will see the "View selection" field. You can get a quicker overview with the "List" view. 
  7. Then click on "Bookmark" for each offer that you find interesting so that you can find it again later. 
  8. You can now view the results in more detail in your watch list and sort them out further. 
  9. Print out your final watch list for your consultation with the job center or employment agency. That's it! 

Important: Be sure to go to your advisor at the employment agency or job center with a selection of different offers in your area of interest! You can then find the most suitable offer together. If you only have one or two measures on your list, the likelihood of receiving an education voucher decreases, as your advisor may not see their own criteria fulfilled! 

Insider tips for using KURSNET 

KURSNET is a comprehensive tool that allows you to search from over five million further education courses in Germany and beyond. We have put together some practical tips for you: 

  • Login, yes or no? Only users who already have a user account with the employment agency, job center or family benefits office can log in to KURSNET. If you have one, be sure to log in: Otherwise, your watch list will disappear when you close the browser window. 
  • You would like to only look for further training with a job qualification? There is an often overlooked selection option next to the "Search for further training courses" field. Select "Advanced training" here for further training with a qualification: From AdA certificate to IHK-certified tourism specialist. 
  • The Search filter on the left side of the screen (on a desktop PC) are very practical and adapt automatically. For example, you can see directly how many offers there are that really deal intensively with your subject area, i.e. for longer than three months. 
  • You have one or a few providers that interest you in particular? Sometimes the message "Very many providers" appears and you cannot see them. In this case, first narrow down other filters until you can select your desired provider. You can then delete the other criteria again to get a more comprehensive overview of the providers on offer. 
  • Intelligent search field: Don't just enter the first terms you see in the search field and press "Search". KURSNET offers you a variety of search suggestions that can help you to specify your search query. This will also help you if you can't find anything for your search term: Search with a more general term to get suggestions from KURSNET. 
Screenshot of the Federal Employment Agency with a focus on data science training opportunities.
Overview of data science training courses on the website of the Federal Employment Agency.

Advice on KURSNET and education vouchers 

The The employment agency and job center are the right contactswhen it comes to being shown the functions of KURSNET directly. The consultants work with it themselves on a daily basis and know what is important. 

Your advisor will ultimately also decide on the funding for your further training, usually in the form of an education voucher. This promotes a specific offer, so you should think carefully about which further education course is right for you. Because only with this document can you go to the respective educational institution and start your course. 

Our extra tip: New offers are added to KURSNET daily. Nothing suitable today? Then just try again tomorrow! 

Further training found on KURSNET: This is how it continues 

After you have found some suitable further education offers on KURSNET, you should contact the employment agency or job center. If you are unemployed or at risk of unemployment, the employment agency is your point of contact. If you are receiving citizen's benefit, the Jobcenter is your address. There are also some special cases, for example if you are a soldier or receive an EU pension. You can find out more about this in our article on the subject Education voucher.  

The best thing to do is to approach your advisor directly with a list of your desired further training courses. You can then discuss which of these measures can be funded with an education voucher. And it's worth it! The voucher covers 100 percent of your training costs and ancillary costs for meals or childcare during the training can also be claimed. 

However, which further training is specifically funded with an education voucher depends on many factors and is a matter of discretion for your advisor. For example, there are regional guidelines as to which "knowledge gaps" in the regional labor market need to be closed particularly quickly. A typical subject area here is often IT - the courses offered by StackFuel on data science, AI and programming therefore usually have good chances. 

A checklist for applying for an education voucher. StackFuel's checklist provides useful tips for the education voucher from the employment agency, pension insurance or job center.

Our tip: With our free checklist you can prepare for your consultation appointment and increase the chances that a training course you have found on KURSNET will be accepted.  

What alternatives are there to the Federal Employment Agency's KURSNET? 

KURSNET is probably the largest search engine for further education in Germany - but not the only one. It is also not only measures that can be found there that are funded with an education voucher: The decisive factor is the provider's AZAV certification, not the listing on KURSNET. 

The Federal Employment Agency even offers its own alternative with "mein NOW". On the extensive website is a Continuing education search which offers hardly any fewer filter options than KURSNET. Here you can also search for keywords and your own place of residence as well as filter options for subject areas, duration or funding type of the measures. There is also a reminder function. The design is more modern and looks tidier - but if you are already used to KURSNET, you don't necessarily have to change. 

Banner for StackFuel's free continuing education counseling with and without an education voucher and for financing options for online courses.

Individual federal states also offer continuing education searches. The further education portal "KOMM WEITER" of the Free State of Bavaria has its own "Training guides", where the search works particularly regionally according to districts - a real difference to KURSNET. In some cases, there are even local training searches, such as the Education market of the job center of the city of Chemnitz

If you've now lost track of things, you can also apply directly to training providers such as StackFuel. Arrange a consultation appointment. The experienced colleagues are happy to help you find the right offer and advise you on suitable funding options - and not even KURSNET can do that.  

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