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Reskilling in the automotive industry

Automotive industry
8,000 employees
Company data
Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr (IAV) is one of the world's leading engineering service providers in the field of mobility. For 35 years, IAV has been bringing together expertise from the automotive and IT sectors under the motto "We develop what moves" in order to sustainably shape the mobility of the future with state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions.
Initial situation: Harmonizing the skills of people and vehicles
The digital transformation is rapidly changing the automotive industry. Vehicles are in contact with their environment through the exchange of data to increase safety and comfort for passengers. Topics such as Big Data, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have moved into the focus of future mobility. The changing core business already requires new kinds of competencies. IAV recognized early on that new job profiles would have to be defined for IAV career paths in order to be able to successfully implement the technological and digital potential of the transformation. In this context, the concrete definition of future job profiles, the existing shortage of skilled workers and the design of the transformation process present IAV with new challenges.


> 0
Course completion rate
0 %
0 from 5

Successful reskilling, but how and with whom?

Promote existing IAV careers

Complex forms of work and organization

Flexible needs in the company

With the help of internal needs analyses and workshops, IAV has worked out what expertise and skills are already available in the individual divisions and what will be needed in the future for mobility that is digitalized to the greatest possible extent. Against the backdrop of vehicles becoming increasingly networked with their environment and developing more and more into "connected cars", a need for qualification was identified at IAV in the area of data analytics and data science in particular.

In addition to this need for future-oriented data skills, the existing workforce already has in-depth corporate knowledge - a perfect starting point for successful reskilling. The aim was therefore to develop IAV's existing career paths internally into the defined job profiles and make them fit for day-to-day work. IAV's new forms of work and organization also placed growing demands on further training measures. IAV needed a professional partner who could offer employees a flexible and attractive training solution that was also tailored to the company's needs.


Online trainings that are in-service and application-oriented

IAV quickly decided on StackFuel as a partner, as all further training measures are part-time and can be optimally harmonized with the daily work routine.

Based on IAV's previously defined career paths and job profiles of the future, the automotive supplier's requirements were strongly aligned with StackFuel's training courses, guaranteeing that employees' qualifications are tailored to their needs.

The joint collaboration was launched in the form of an initial pilot so that any adjustments could be made before a major rollout.

Online trainings, in-service and application-oriented at Stackfuel

Digital transformation on the rise


Needs-oriented personnel development

Within 12 months, more than 200 employees have already been able to develop their IAV careers in the job roles of Data Analyst or Data Scientist, or generally receive further training in data skills.

Managing the industry transformation

IAV's transformation to a data-driven company, as well as its management of industry transformation, has been significantly accelerated in its collaboration with StackFuel.

Targeted expansion of competencies

Employed engineers at IAV, who already have deep internal company and industry knowledge, could be specifically equipped with the data skills they need.

In this way, IAV can continue to impress the market with state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions in the future.

Our customer feedback.

"DB Training chose Stackfuel because we were looking for a competent partner to support us in the group-wide expansion of data awareness and competence and to ensure comprehensive training support for our employees. In particular, the location-independent and innovative learning environment of the Data Lab with the intensive support on the part of Stackfuel finally convinced us. We are very satisfied with the results so far and look forward to further collaboration."
Clemens Beer
Project Manager Corporate Culture & Innovation
Confident businessman smiling in blue blazer, ideal for professional and corporate profiles.

Let us advise you.

Would you like to train your employees in data science and data analytics online? Arrange an appointment now consultation with our expert Ginesh Koottakara!
