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Data Science.

Learn advanced data skills such as data modeling and machine learning.

Digital data analysis with networked devices in pink and purple.
Module description
9 weeks full-time / 18 weeks part-time
Available in German & English

In the certified Data Science module, you will learn the basics of machine learning, the technology on which modern AI is based. You will learn to implement data models with Python to predict different business scenarios. You will develop the ability to use and optimize supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

You will gain confidence in solving data science problems through practical application examples. You will complete the Data Science module with a final project in which you will independently analyze and solve a large data set for predicting car purchases. The additional development of skills in the field of machine learning qualifies you for the job role of Data Scientist upon successful completion, in addition to other analytical job roles such as Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst or Financial Analyst.

In this module you will learn:
Machine learning basics
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
  • Import, clean and filter data independently
  • Analyze data exploratively using descriptive statistics
  • Develop and verify complex forecasting models
  • Deepen Python programming skills
  • Build data models to predict business scenarios
  • Using machine learning for predictions
  • Apply best practices for effective data visualization
  • Apply methods of data storytelling
Table of contents


Chapter 1: Data Analytics with Python

You will brush up on the most important Python basics for data processing with Pandas, data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn and database querying with SQL Alchemy.

Chapter 2: Linear algebra

You will familiarize yourself with the mathematical background of data science algorithms and learn the basic concepts of linear algebra. Using the Numpy package, you will calculate with vectors and matrices.

Chapter 3: Probability Distributions

You will learn more about the statistical background of data science algorithms. You will deal with important statistical concepts and learn about discrete and continuous distributions. You will also gain an insight into versioning code with Git.

Machine Learning Basics

Chapter 1: Supervised Learning (Regression)

Using linear regression, you will learn how to use the Python package sklearn. You will also deal with the assumptions of the regression model and the evaluation of the forecasts generated. In this context, the bias-variance trade-off, concepts of regularization and various measures of model quality are also clarified.

Chapter 2: Supervised Learning (Classification)

You will be introduced to classification algorithms using the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm and learn how to evaluate the algorithm and assess the classification performance. You will optimize the parameters of models, taking into account the division of the data into training and evaluation sets.

Chapter 3: Unsupervised Learning (Clustering)

You will learn about the k-Means algorithm as an example of an unsupervised learning algorithm. The assumptions and performance metrics of the algorithm are critically examined and a brief outlook on an alternative to k-Means clustering is given.

Chapter 4: Unsupervised Learning (Dimensionality Reduction)

You will learn how to use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimension of the data and use PCA to generate uncorrelated features from the original data. In this context, the topic of feature engineering is examined in more detail and new features are created from the old ones.

Chapter 5: Outlier Detection

You will learn about different approaches to identify outliers and understand how to deal with these unusual data points. You will use robust measures and models to minimize the influence of outliers

Supervised Learning

Chapter 1: Data Gathering

Learn how to collect data with tools like BeautifulSoup for Web Scraping and PyPDF2 for PDF Data Extraction. With the help of Regular Expressions you can structure collected text data so that it can be used together with known algorithms.

Chapter 2: Logistic Regression

You will get to know a second classification algorithm: logistic regression. You will use new performance metrics to evaluate the results and learn how to make non-numerical data usable for your models.

Chapter 3: Decision Trees and Random Forests

You will get to know the decision tree as an easy-to-interpret model. You will combine several models into an ensemble to improve the predictions of your model. You will also be provided with methods for unbalanced categories.

Chapter 4: Support Vector Machines

You will get to know one last classification algorithm - Support Vector Machines (SVM) and examine the behavior of various kernels for the SVM. You will also learn the typical steps of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and work on an NLP scenario using bag-of-words models.

Chapter 5: Neural Networks

You will be introduced to artificial neural networks and learn more about deep learning to create an artificial neural network with multiple layers and apply it to a dataset.

Advanced Topics

Chapter 1: Visualization and Model Interpretation

You will learn important methods for interpreting and visualizing machine learning models. By using model-agnostic methods for interpretation, you will learn to derive and communicate insights into the functioning of your models.

Chapter 2: Spark

You will learn why working with distributed storage systems is relevant. With the Python package PySpark, you will learn how to read distributed databases, perform big data analyses and use well-known machine learning algorithms on distributed systems.

Chapter 3: Exercise project

You work on a prediction problem with the help of a larger data set and use your data science skills independently, from cleaning the data set to interpreting the model. You will receive feedback on your solution approach in a project meeting with the StackFuel mentoring team.

Chapter 4: Final project

You will receive another larger data set that you will have to analyze independently and solve with less help compared to the practice project. You will receive feedback on your solution approach in an individual project meeting with the mentoring team.

You want this module detached from the entire training program and without an education voucher complete? We offer flexible payment and financing options for self-paying participants. Please contact directly to our consulting team for more information.

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+6,000 graduates
91 % Completion rate

Our training courses are developed and produced by our own team of data scientists and subject matter experts, who provide you as a participant with personal mentoring during the course. We not only focus on realistic and practical content, but also ensure that all your questions are answered in a personal exchange and thus guarantee your learning success.

Thanks to our "learning-by-doing" principle, you will learn in our interactive learning environment with realistic data sets and real business cases from the industry, preparing you perfectly for a successful career start in a data job.

With StackFuel, you can rely on a market leader with Germany's most innovative learning platform to develop your data skills in a practical certified training programs you learn online, flexibly and with 80 % practical content.

This will enable you to make a lateral entry as a data analyst or data scientist and learn how to use data and the basics of artificial intelligence professionally. Your new data career starts with your online training at StackFuel.

Data has become an integral part of our (professional) lives. In almost all areas, data helps you to better understand facts and make more precise decisions. Data skills are the key to being able to use and interpret data correctly. Even though you may not realize it, you work with, interact with and generate data every day.

This data is becoming increasingly important for companies and is the basis for decisions and business models, which makes data professionals incredibly important for companies.
