Land a data job in Germany within 4 months.
Your advantages with StackFuel
Online & flexible
All our training courses take place 100 % online in the browser via PC or laptop. Participants can choose between German and English courses on a full-time or part-time basis.
Hands-on with independent projects
All learning content is developed in close cooperation with the developed. In selected practical projects participants learn to program and write algorithms with industry data sets.
Support & Mentoring
Our Success Management training ensures your individual learning success in small training groups. Our mentors provide professional support to all participants.
Master data skills to boost your career.
In today's increasingly digital world of work, many employees find it difficult to keep up with the changes in their jobs. In the past, the development of relevant digital skills was often neglected. Yet these skills offer great potential to simplify the current job or to qualify for other positions in the same professional field. The goal of our online courses is to promote precisely these skills that companies have neglected in the past.
Find your suitable financing.
With a Bildungsgutschein you can have your further education to 100 % financed by the job center or the employment agency if you are currently unemployed or registered as a job seeker.
If you are employed, you can have your employer finance your continuing education in part or in full through the Qualification Opportunities Act - regardless of qualification, age and company size.
If you are currently enrolled at a university or college in Germany, you can take our courses at a 50 % discount.
Use our installment plan to spread the cost of your continuing education over several months and maintain your financial flexibility.
What our participants say.
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Book a consultation with our program experts! We'll help find the best course for you, and answer any open questions you have. We're looking forward to speaking with you!